Thursday, September 12, 2019


Faces can be analyzed on the basis of the five elements which are believed to have created everything in the universe. They can also be analyzed on the basis of shapes and there are some composite faces also which are considered split personalities.

These faces will be analyzed ahead in detail :-

1. Round Face (Water Element) :

Face type is round, plumpy and fleshy, with a broad forehead, large eyes, prominent chin, large eyebrows and thick hair.

A person with a round face and water element can sympathetic sensitive, flexible and emotional. Such a person can be a good counselor as he/she enjoys helping others.

He / She can dreamy, intuitive, tenacious and mysterious. He / She also called moon face.

This person is jovial and imaginative and always looks forward for long term stable relationships.

Such a person is domestic and loves family life and good food. He / She enjoys all the comforts of life.

The person does very well in his / her life but needs a motivation at times.

2. Triangular Face (Fire Element) :

Face type is triangular with a broad jaw, slightly wide mouth, wide temples and narrow pointed chins. The features are pointed and angular.

Such a person has a curious nature with an inquiring mind and a wide range of interests.

The person is affectionate, gentle and creative also.

The person is imaginative and has the habit of exaggerating things.

The person has a critical nature and finds it difficult to make many friends.

The person is intellectual but does not necessarily use his / her brain in the academic field. Instead uses his / her brain in a variety of areas where the analytic skills can be put together.

3. Opposite Triangular Face or Heart (Fire Element) :

Face type is triangular with narrow temples and wide pointed chin. The features are pointed and angular.

The person is optimistic and extrovert, universal and maintains a broadminded and universal approach towards life.

Such a person believes in his / her mental and physical energies more.

Such a person has a self identification, determination power, initiative ability and enthusiasm.

The person has a inbuilt meditation and concentration power.

The person aims for change and revolution in life.

4. Oval Face (Air Element) :

Face shape is slightly longer than the width. The forehead and jaw line have approximately the same width.

Such a person is caring, considerate and sympathetic.

Such a person is logical and has the ability to analyze problems from all directions.

The person is highly intuitive and is is able to analyze people at one glance.

5. Oblong Face (Earth Element) :

Face shape is square, pretty straight with a tall forehead and the cheeks are not wider than the forehead and jaw line. It is at times rectangular or angular too.

The person may have a muscular or athletic physic. The person is practical, methodical and systematic in life.

6. Square Face (Earth Element) :

Face type has a square touch where the face does not narrow much from the cheek bone to the forehead and from the cheekbone to the jaw line.

This person is practical, intelligent rigid and judgmental. The person has an analytic and decisive mind and achieves success through hard work and persistence.

The person enjoys teaching others. On the other hand prefers working without supervision.

7. Rectangular Face (Earth Element) :

Face type is long, slim and rectangular but wit a broad forehead and indented temples. The person has a straight nose and narrow eyebrows.

The person is creative, innovative and sociable and community minded. He is stable, constant, punctual and disciplined in life.

He also possesses leadership qualities and enjoys responsibility and hard work but they force their views on others.

In nature the person is kind, generous and humble.

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