Friday, September 27, 2019


The face is the portrait of the mind; the eyes its informers. In other words the eyes have been called the windows to the soul.

Deep and expressive eye are said to reveal everything from the health of a person to his intentions and nature.

The eyes of a person can be analyzed in the following way :



The eye shape looks exotic and holds deep mystery and appeal. This person is warm and compassionate and stay composed and attentive at most times.


People with Round eyes are very creative and artsy.This person is dreamy and moody and can border on impracticality. This person is often get carried away by his emotions and find it tough to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself.


This person have a close circle of friends. This person don’t trust easily and can get frustrated. His self confidence fall away and is easily dominated.

They can’t say NO easily and can get very needy. However, you make friends for a lifetime.


This person is Ambitious and witty, determined and focused. His company is fun and interesting as he is a great conversationalist, but people may see him as an opportunist and maybe slightly selfish.


Eyes set deeper into the skull are called Deep Set Eyes.

This person is intense and captivating. He is passionate and romantic and have great analyzing skills. He likes to keep things private and is a keen observer.


If the distance between two eyes is more than the length of an eye it is considered wide set eyes.

This person is ambitious and broad minded and drawn towards subjects like PHILOSOPHY, Social Issues and Spiritual Ideologies. He possesses a natural innocent charm.


If the distance between the two eyes is less than the length of an eye it is considered close set eyes.

This person believers in customs, history and traditions. They are focused and hard working but can be very resistant, even stressed because of even little changes in their lives.


Prominent eyes generally belong to people who are warm and sensitive. These people would rather hang out with a small group of people than a big one.


If eyes are bigger than the rest of facial features, that considered as big eyes.

This person not only look appealing but also are the mark of someone who is receptive to the conscious and subconscious.

He has an open minded and approachable personality. It is easy to open up to people like these. They are warm and welcoming.


This person is precise and love details and observant and love to gain expertise over matters that interest you. He is farsighted and focused.

He doesn't trust people easily and can often be misunderstood as cold and arrogant.


a. Open Eyes :

When a person opens his eyes widely it indicates that the person is receptive, emotional and expressive and is excited and waiting to reveal or share something.

b. Narrow Eyes :

When a person narrows his eyes the person is watchful, calculation and suspicious. He is cautious before discussing anything.

c. Large Eyes :

The person is open-minded, expressive, intelligent and able to express his feelings freely.

d. Small Eyes :

The person with small eyes is more conservative with his ideas and views. It is difficult to find the innermost feelings within him.

e. Bright Eyes :

The person with bright eyes has a charm in his life. He is enthusiastic, energetic, fun loving and active.

f. Soft Eyes :

A person with soft eyes is imaginative and a day dreamer.


a. Eye Corners Curving Upwards :

If the corners of the eye curve upward at the outer ends it leads to jealousy and suspicion in a female because she faces a problem in expressing her inner feelings. Yet she is open, honest and genuine in her everyday dealings.

while in a male, it is a sign of hard work, reliability and a good sense of humour. He may be enjoy close relationships with women but will be faithful and devoted once settled down.

b. Eye Corners Curving Downwards :

This person is open and friendly, but has a strong sense of self interest and thinks of oneself first.

c. Sharp Eye Corners :

This person is sensible and business minded. He is able to make a good financial stability owing to his practical ability.

d. Rounded Eye Corners :

This person is stable and balanced in life. He is loyal and devoted to his family and friends.


a. Curved Upper Eye Lids :

The person has a humanitarian nature and always looks forward to help others. He wants an excitement i life and plans new adventures always.

b. Straight Upper Eye Lids :

This person is more focused on his self. He does not attempt to work, for the welfare of the society.

c. Curved Lower Eye Lids :

This person is self centered and always considers himself to be correct. He tries to compel others to agree with him.

d. Straight Lower Eye Lids :

This person is simple and others take undue advantage of his simplicity. He prefers choosing a career involving a care for others for e.g. the teaching or medical field.


Eye slant is determined by looking, at the corners of the eyes and noticing, if the outer corner is higher or lower than the inner corner.

a. Level Eye Slant :

In this case the person has eyes with corners at the same level.

This person is balanced in life as he knows where to keep a practical approach and where to be generous in different fields of life.

b. Outer Eye Slant :

This person has eyes with the outer corners lower than the inner ones.

The person is kind, generous, modest and even tempered.


a. Red Eyes :

The reddish color of the eyes indicate an extreme condition of anger. The person also gets violent in nature. Visible red veins also indicate the same.

b. Yellow Eyes :

The yellowish color of the eyes shows the ill health of the person. The person is also depressive and pessimist by nature.

c. Blue / Black Eyes :

The bluish / blackish color of the eyes indicates the cruel and demon type qualities of a person who is aggressive and violent by nature.

d. Pure White Eyes :

The pure white color of the eyes indicates the calmness and softness of the person. This person is a representative of God who has come to spread the message of love and peace.

e. Exact White Eyes :

If the eyes are exact white with a hardness i them the person has demon or witchcraft qualities.


The round part of the eye within the eyelids and socket is called the eyeballs. Their characteristics are indicated by the color of the eyeballs. Each color indicates a different nature and trend.

a. Black Eyeballs :

The person is lively and full of passion. He is determined and straight forward. He will not leave any work unfinished and complete it till the end. He has a helping nature with a positive approach towards life. The person has inbuilt spiritual qualities.

b. Brown Eyeballs :

This is the color of the earth. Hence the person possesses earthy qualities. It represents simplicity, strength and creativity. The person is close to nature and does not have much materialistic interests.

c. Blue Eyeballs :

It indicates a lively nature and the person is youthful. The person is kind and sincere and has the tendency to keep others happy. The person is spiritual also and has a warm heart. He is also attached to his family life and desires to have a happy personal hi,.

d. Grey Eyeballs :

This person is a born leader. He can easily adapt himself to any new environment. He is able to manage his life efficiently with his practical thinking and wise decisions. He had a good business sense and a witty nature. People love to be around him.

e. Green Eyeballs :

It indicates a vibrant and creative nature of the person. He loves adventure and challenges. He does not want to come in the bad books of anyone. He is a passionate lover and tends to have long relationships. He is trustworthy and loves to make people laugh.

f. Hazel Eyeballs :

It indicates a outgoing and adventurous person. The person accepts challenges and never backs down. He always tries to prove his best. He is spontaneous an fun loving but at the same tine is short tempered. The person is beautiful and elegant.



The colored circular portion of the eye is called the Iris.

a. If the iris floats too high the person is unstable and disturbed in nature. He is not trustworthy.

b. If the iris sinks too low in the eye it indicates a cruel and perverse nature.

c. If the iris is large occupying much of the space in the eye, the person cannot hide his feelings and emotions.

d. If the iris is small and the space i the eye is much seen, the person is secretive.


The pupils are the part of our body language a person has practically no control over.

The pupils play the role of adjusting the amount of light taken in the process of sight. (Dilation - pupil size increasing. Contracting - Pupil size decreasing).

The pupil dilates when the person is interested in the person be is talking to and the pupil contracts when the topic of discussion is undesirable.


Observing the eyes, a white portion called the selera is seen on both the sides of the iris.

Generally the visibility of white above or below the iris is a sign of stress when this is visible.

a. If white is visible above the iris the person is nervous, anxious and overly sensitive.

b. If the white is visible below the iris the person is overloaded with stress, strain and pressure.

c. If the white is visible both above and below the iris it shows that the person is suffering with so much stress that there is a danger of his becoming mentally imbalanced.

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